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Firms can hire expat interns, but subject to conditions

A spokesperson from the Ministry of Manpower (MoM) has confirmed that companies in Oman will not be allowed to hire expatriates as interns, unless certain conditions are satisfied.

First, the expatriate intern has to have a valid residence visa in Oman as a dependant of either parent.

The second condition to enable him or her to take up the internship is permission from the school or college authorities in the form of a written confirmation.

The spokesperson said that this letter will enable the intern (and the organisation) to prove to the law enforcement authorities that he or she is legally employed. This is irrespective of whether the internship is a paid one or not.

The spokesperson added that the MoM does not have a contract covering such a mode of work. On the occasion of a random check, such interns may be rounded up for not possessing the right documentation and handed over to the ROP. The ROP would then be justified in deeming their presence at the workplace to be illegal and take necessary action.

It is common practice in Oman for expatriate children who are studying in colleges abroad, to take up internships while on summer break for valuable work experience. It is not clear at this time whether letters from foreign educational institutions will be accepted.

Source: MuscatDaily

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